B.S. Degree in Geology (Professional Track)

The geology curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of industry, graduate school, and government. For the B.S. degree, the students are required to complete departmental requirements, capstones, core discipline options, and elective (58 - 62 credits) and the supporting requirements (16 credits) in addition to the General Education Program requirements and the completion of at least 120 credits. The department requires that to receive a degree in Geology, students must have a grade of C- or better in the required geology courses, and an average of C- or better in the supporting courses.

Courses required for the B.S. in Geology are listed below. Some courses require field trips for which the students are expected to pay for room (if required) and board. Field camp is taken during the summer at institutions other than the University of Maryland, College Park, that offer camps approved by the department.


GenEd Program: Minimum 40 credits (for freshmen entering in Fall 2012 and after.)

Or CORE Program: 46 credits

Departmental Requirements: 49 credits

Supporting Requirements: 23/24 credits

Note: Completion of the degree requires completion of 120 credits


Geology core: 49 credit hours


Required Courses:

  • One of the following:
    • CHEM 131/2 - Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry and laboratory (4)
    • CHEM 135/6 - Chemistry for Engineers and laboratory (4)
  • MATH 140 - Calculus I (4)
  • MATH 141 - Calculus II (4)
  • One of the following:
    • PHYS 141 - Principles of Physics (4)
    • PHYS 161 - General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics (3) and PHYS 174 - Physics Laboratory Introduction (1)
    • PHYS 171 - Introductory Physics: Mechanics and Relativity (3) and PHYS 174 - Physics Laboratory Introduction (1)
  • One of the following options:
    • One of the following:
      • PHYS 142 - Principles of Physics (4)
      • PHYS 260 General Physics: Vibration, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (3) and PHYS 261 General Physics: Vibrations, Waves, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (Laboratory) (1)
      • PHYS 272 Introductory Physics: Fields (3)
    • BIOM 301 - Introduction to Biometrics (3)
    • Either of GEOL 444, GEOL 445, GEOL 446, GEOL 447, not already completed to meet the requirements above or any other 3-4 credit 300 or 400 level Geology course not listed above.

Supporting requirements: 23-24 credit hours