Sample Curriculum in Geology - Professional Track (as of fall, 2023)

Fall Credits Spring Credits
GEOL 100 or 120 + GEOL 110 (4) GEOL 102 (4)
CHEM 135/136 or 131/132 (4) GEOL322 (4)
MATH 140 (4) MATH 141 (4)
GenEd XXX (3) ENG 101 (3)


Fall Credits Spring Credits
GEOL341 (4) Geologic Core Discipline/elective (3-4)
PHYS 161 (4) GEOL 341 (4)
GEOL423 (4) GenEd XXX (3)
GEOL342 (4) GenEd XXX (3)
PHYS261 (1)


Fall Credits Spring Credits
ENGL 390 or ENGL393 (3) GEOL 443 (4)
Geologic Core Discipline/elective (3-4) Geologic Core Discipline/elective (3-4)
Geologic Core Discipline/elective (3-4) GenEd XXX (3)
GenEd XXX (3) GenEd XXX (3)

SUMMER: GEOL 490 (6)

Fall Credits Spring Credits
GEOL 393 (3) GEOL 394 (3) GenEd SIP
Geologic Core Discipline/elective (3-4) Geologic Core Discipline/elective (3-4)
GenEd as needed (3) Elective (3-4)
Elective (3-4) Elective (3-4)

Note: GenEd Requirements - (Minimum 40 credits)

  1. Fundamental Studies (FS) 5 courses minimum (15 credits). May exempt GenEd Academic Writing and Math.
  2. Distributive Studies (DS) 8 courses (25 credit minimum).
    1. Natural Sciences - 2 courses in MATH, CHEM, PHYS or GEOL are covered by major requirements (8 credits)
    2. History and Social Sciences - need 2 courses (6 credits)
    3. Humanities - need 2 courses (8 credits)
    4. Scholarship in Practice - (AS) - need 2 courses (6 credits). One of these is GEOL394.
  3. I-Series Courses (HCD) - 2 course (6 credits). I-Series courses may also fulfill a Distributive Studies category.
  4. Diversity 2 courses (6 credits). Diversity courses may also fulfill a Distributive Studies category.
    1. Understanding Plural Societies 1 - 2 courses (3 - 6 credits). I-Series courses may also fulfill a Distributive Studies category.
    2. Cultural Competence 0 - 1 courses (0 - 3 credits).
  5. Experiential Learning (Optional. 0 - 3 credits). Students may receive up to 3 credits toward a Distributive Study category from an approved outside-the-classroom learning experience.