GEOL 331 Principles of Paleontology
Fall Semester 2008
Paleoenvironmental Analysis
Autecology: behavoir of individual organisms with their environment
Synecology: ecology of communities of organisms with their environment, including
each other
Can attempt to reconstruct "community" structure (note: "communities" seem to epiphenomena
rather than entities in the geologic time scale)
- Accuracy of resolution depends on degree of autochthony. Some clues to degree of
- Fossils in normal life position
- Fossils in articulation
- Low levels of breakage and abrasion
- Poorly sorted in terms of size of fossils
- Low levels of orientation due to currents
- Multiple stratigraphic and/or geographic recurrence of association good indication
represents an acutal rather than taphonomic association
Some analogous communities have formed multiple times in Earth history, with similar
community structure but different taxonomic composition: reefs, for example.
Taxonomic uniformitarianism: principle behind modern analog approaches to paleoenvironmental
reconstruction. Examples:
- Temperature curves based on leaf margins
- Oceanographic reconstructions based on modern analogs in ostracod or foram communities
But caution about using taxonomic uniformitarianism! Some taxa may have had different enivronmental
habitats in the past. For example, modern onychophorans are terrestrial, while the best known fossil
forms (and related lobopods) were marine!
Some other parameters of the enivornment might be determined by physical or chemical properties of
the fossils:
- Carbon or oxygen isotope work on marine microfossils
- Trophic level analysis from isotopes of bones and teeth
Some parameters of interest: temperature, salinity, oxygenation
May also be interested in biotic aspects of paleoenvironment:
- Predator-prey analyses, with implications for thermometabolism
- Community succession in reefs and other communities
- Large-scale changes in communities:
- Cambrian Substrate Revolution
- Mid-Mesozoic Marine Revolution
- Sepkoski's Evolutionary Faunas
To Syllabus.
Last modified: 22 August 2008