GEOL 104 FC Dinosaurs: A Natural History

Fall Semester 2010
Additional Resources about Dinosaurs and Related Topics


Many natural history museums have websites about dinosaurs. Among them are:

Some other dinosaur-rich museums are:

Non Museum-based Sites of Interest:

On-Line Interactive Activities

Paleo-Blogs (Just a fraction of what is available out there!)

Internet Discussion Group THE dinosaur listserve group. Many professional paleontologists, obsessive amateurs, dinosaur neophytes, model makers, computer animators, science fiction writers, etc., post or lurk on this group. To register,, with a blank “Subject:” line and the message:
Details can be found at the Dinosaur Mailing List Archive (see above).

Student observations of Dr. Holtz's Comments from previous years

Return to opening page or syllabus.

Last modified: 27 July 2010