January 15th, 2012
Cottonwood Canyon and Shark Cove
I was a bit worried that we would get rained out today, but thankfully
it just drizzled on and off throughout the morning. We went back to the
lawsonite-blueschist facies at Cottonwood Canyon to collect more
matrix, rind and block core samples. We again had a fairly easy time
sampling and had time to spend close to 12 minutes trying to capture a
suitable group photo. This was the best of the bunch.

Afterwards we went to Shark Cove
to collect more metaconglomerate cobbles! Again we had good luck
sampling and collected around 8 more samples. I think the next sampling
area for more cobbles will be the Little Harbor beach which we will
visit tomorrow morning to try and avoid high tide. That was the end of
our sample collecting day so as to not waste the rest of the day...we
assembled boxes (which we stole yesterday on our day off haha) and
packed up some samples to send back to UMD. We already have 10 boxes,
and that doesn't include my cobbles and the other samples to be
collected in our remaining time here!
Fingers crossed for no rain

Julia is a
good lookout!