The JXA-8900
SuperProbe is a high resolution SEM and a WD/ED Combined Electron Probe
Microanalyzer (EPMA). The combination of up tp 5 wavelength dispersive
X-ray spectrometers (WDS) and an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer
(EDS) assures the most efficient and accurate analysis. Computer input
analyzes data from the two types of X-ray spectrometers and presents the
data as a unified analysis.
combined system can simultaneously analyze up to 13 elements (5 WDS, 8
EDS). The backscattered electron image, provided by a highly sensitive
solid state detector, and the secondary electron image, brings the total
obtainable signals to 15.
combined microanalyzer provides for:
- higher
detection sensitivity for trace elements
- higher
accuracy of quantitative analysis
- higher
resolving power (resolution) for adjacent X-rays
- higher
accuracy of quantitative analysis for light elements