Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy I - The Skull

John Merck

Gnathostome braincase development
from Palaeos

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Context I: Developmental regions

At the most basic level, the initial chondrifications (cartilage formation) of the neurocranium define the anteroposterior regionalization of the skull, with:

Salvator merinae
But don't forget the spaces in between:

Chlamydoselachus anguineus


Major units of the skull are preformed in cartilage. Remember: all cartilages except for those of the otico-occipital region are preformed in migrating neural crest cells. The major units:

Eusthenopteron foordi

In animals like the shark Clamydoselache these components and their relationships are clear. Among osteichthyans, we add a layer of dermal bones, but these are still associated with the major functional regions we've discussed.

In creatures like land vertebrates, they are not obvious, but they still provide the key to understanding cranial anatomy. Sources of obfuscation include:


Greererpeton burckemorani


We use the example of Greererpeton burckemorani, a creature near the common ancestry of land vertebrates. As such, it displays all of the cranial elements of Sarcopterygii for which homologies are securely known, but very few of them are high transformed from their ancestral state.

We continue to color-code:

What immediately distinguishes Greererpeton is that the endochondral elements of its skull roof, jaw, and palate are covered in dermal elements that frame major openings in the skull roof including:

The palatal (ventral) aspect shows how ossifications of the skull roof, palatoquadrate, and neurocranium connect, but not too closely. Openings of the palate include:

Finally, the posterior view reveals:

In the course of vertebrate evolution, these openings are modified and, often, joined by new openings that we will need to keep track of. That's a story for later.