The Reptilian Stem - A Work in Progress

John Merck

Synapsida is only half of Amniota. The other half - "reptiles" - contains living turtles, squamates, Sphenodon, crocodylians, and birds, and their fossil relatives. Traditionally, and for most of the age of cladistics, most of its diversity was taken up by Diapsida, characterized by creatures with classic diapsid temporal fenestration or its derivatives. But things have changed. Alas, we have no consensus on:

An honest strict consensus of 21st century research .
The cladogram at right is not the one used in GEOL431, but it represents an honest consensus of 21st century work. Fortunately, researchers seem to be converging on a new consensus. This year, we present simplified version of Jenkins et al., in press. - a hopeful preprint.
The last decade has seen no consensus. Consequently the 2023 strict consensus cladogram above is actually less resolved than our naive view from 2015. And yet it is not so bad. By definition, amniotes belong to one of two total-group clades:

What has changed since 2023:

Reptilia or Sauropsida?

Both terms have been used for the sister-taxon of Synapsida and neither has a "clean title" to the clade because of issues that haunt us from the early, revolutionary days of cladistics when: Ford and Benson favor Reptilia, however this name has at least four phylogenetic definitions in the literature (Modesto and Anderson, 2004.) Respecting priority, GEOL431 goes with the definition of Gauthier et al., 1988 which is:

Given Gauthier et al.'s convictions that:

...this yielded a nice amniote dichotomy between Synapsida and Reptilia. Alas, the position of turtles in the amniote tree has become one of the most contentious issues in vertebrate phylogeny, with very disparate competing hypotheses, each implying its own roster for Reptilia or making it redundant with other common group names like "Sauria." Moreover, it is laden with cultural associations to pre-cladistic taxonomy and common usage (by which a "bird" is not a "reptile.")

Sauropsida is defined by Laurin and Reisz, 1995 as:

This anchors the definition on Mesosauridae - a basal group never appearing on the synapsid side. But alas:

So we punt!

In common usage, "Sauropsida" has come to be treated as the total-group sister-taxon of Synapsida. This is a cultural response to a need that is useful, even if it doesn't respect priority. For now and until a proper definition appears, we use this name that is at least free of cultural association with traditional definitions of "reptiles." (We address the issue of turtles in a later lecture.) Live with it.


What has changed since GEOL431 - 2023.
(Late Carboniferous to Quaternary.) Apomorphy based - descendants of first taxon with supratemporal fenestra. An interesting consequence of the banishment of previous stem-sauropsids (Recumbirostra, Captorhinidae, Protorothyrididae includine Paleothyris and Hylonomus) to the amniote stem is the emergence of this group as the largest node-based clade within Sauropsida.

Diapsids are among the first amniotes of the Late Carboniferous, however during the Paleozoic they were a minor component of the terrestrial fauna. That changed during the Mesozoic, when they achieved ecological dominance. Modern diapsids include :

Their fossil members have included the largest/scariest land animals ever, however at their root, they were adapted to life as small, fast-moving predators of small prey items.

Petrolacosaurus kansensis from Reisz, 1981
Synapomorphies are visible in Petrolacosaurus (Right - Late Carboniferous) the earliest and among the most primitive diapsids:

One feature commonly associated with Diapsida but absent from our list is the supratemporal fenestra. According to Jenkins et al., in press., this feature has arisen at least three times independently in Diapsida, first in Araeoscelidia.

Petrolacosaurus kansensis from Reisz, 1981
There are two general patterns here:

Diapsid diversity: Diapsids, as generally conceived, are an apomorphy-based group - the sauropsids that ancestrally possess the diapsid pattern of temporal fenestration, They were among the first groups to be studied with the methods of cladistics (See Gauthier, 1984 and Benton 1985). Today we focus on the stem.

Petrolacosaurus kansensis

Araeoscelidia: (Late Carboniferous - Early Permian). Recognize since the beginnings of cladistics as the basal clade of Diapsida, including Late Carboniferous Petrolacosaurus - the oldest known sauropsid. Small slender animals characterized by:

Araeoscelidians are specialized either as arboreal or aquatic animals. Remarkable more for their plesiomorphies, including retention of:

At least one member, Araeoscelis secondarily closes the infratemporal fenestra, prefiguring the widespread modifications to the diapsid pattern seen in Diapsida. Indeed, although araeoscelids possess the supratemporal fenestra that characterizes diapsids, its presence or absence going up the stem is highly variable.

Polyphyletic Parareptilia (in magenta) according to Jenkins et al., in press.
Parareptilia - in memorium:

Before proceeding, let's pause to note the passing of Parareptilia - a proposed clade originally anchored on turtles (Gauthier et al., 1988) but containing many Paleozoic sauropsids. Now dispersed across the saurian stem. Will it rise from the grave in later analyses? GORK. But it's labile history certainly does not inspire confidence.

Let's look at its constituents.

Bolosaurus from Wikimedia Commons
Bolosauridae: (Late Carboniferous - Middle Permian) Small (20 - 40 cm.) probably ecological generalists to herbivores with complex teeth. Although bolosaurids had been known through the 20th century, it was Berman et. al, 2000 who demonstrated that they were monophyletic phylogenetically. Recent illumination has come from Jenkins et al.'s, 2024 redescription of the skull of Bolosaurus major using CT data. This revealed that although there is no margination to support a tympanum, the stapes was long and slender. Was this, perhaps, a prerequisite to the evolution of a proper impedance-matching ear?


Although not quite a synapomorphy, note that the supratemporal fenestra is absent. Hard, at this point, to say whether that is a plesiomorphy or a reversal. In all, bolosaurid features suggest strong bites and the ability to process tough food - presumably plant material. This makes them contenders, along with diadectids and basal synapsids, for the earliest herbivores.

Eudibamus cursoris from Berman et al., 2021 looking a lot like an eastern collared lizard.
Bolosauridae contains the earliest known facultative biped - Eudibamus cursorius. Eudibamus was redescribed by Berman et al., 2021 as actually being capable of moving its limbs in an upright "parasagittal" digitigrade posture, a definite first for the Early Permian.


(Early Permian - recent)

Min ∇ (Ankyramorpha, Sauria).



Previously the monophyletic core of "Parareptilia," this clade encompasses important land animals of the Early Permian to Triassic, some of whom were conspicuous parts of land fauna in the Permian. Our cladogram is informed by Jenkins et al., in press. for the position and overall structure of Ankyramorpha, and by Cisneros et al., 2021 for internal details.

Ankyramorphs are comprised of creatures with relatively short but broad heads whose dermal bones show various degrees of ornamentation. Synapomorphies include:

Acleistorhinus from U. C. Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
Acleistorhinidae: (Early Permian) Small (20 - 40 cm.) probably ecological generalists with simple peg-like teeth and short deep skulls (right). Acleistorhinus, itself, is the oldest known ankyramorph. The only other acleistorhinid, Colobomycter is known only from a cranium that sports elongate premaxillary teeth. Synapomorphies:

The small but distinct infratemporal fenestra low on the cheek, enclosed by jugal, squamosal, and quadratojugal is likely plesiomorphic.

Hypsognathus from Stuart Sumida's BIOL622 - California State University San Bernardino
Procolophonoidea: (Late Permian - Late Triassic) Small (20 - 40 cm.) probably ecological generalists to herbivores with bulbous blunt teeth. Typically stocky with short tails, Many members sport cranial ornamentation and armor of dermal scutes. Contains: Synapomorphies: In addition, procolophonoids tend to expand the orbit posteriorly into the temporal region, however in contrast to many more basal parareptiles, there is no temporal fenestration. In most, the cheeks are broadly flaring. In some, the teeth are complex and closely interlocking. (Meade et al., 2024) Were they the ecological replacements for earlier bolosaurids? Procolophonoids are the only ankyramorphs to survive through to the end of the Triassic.


The "crown" of the ankyramorph tree contains three disparate groups from the Permian.

Lanthanosuchus from U. C. Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
Lanthanosuchoidea: (Early - Late Permian) Small (20 - 40 cm.) with flat, heavily sculpted skulls. (E.G. Lanthanosuchus right.) Probably ecological generalists with simple peg-like teeth.

The infra temporal fenestra remains large.

Bashkyroleter mesensis (a) and Macroleter poezicus (b) from Wikipedia.
Nycteroleteridae: (Middle Permian - Late Permian) Small (20 - 40 cm.) Mostly known from skulls, however Emeroleter shows a large skull on a relatively gracile bodies and limbs. These include the ankyramorphs with the most extensive embayments of the posterior cheek margin and small slender stapes - strongly indicative of impedance-matching ears. Their phylogeny is poorly resolved but Tsuji et al. 2012 find Macroleter to be the most basal. This tracks with its retention of a small infra temporal fenestra, otherwise absent in this group.


Scutosaurus karpinskii from
Pareiasauria: (Late Permian). Medium - big, squat, ugly, bumpy. These were major herbivores in the Late Permian world. They competed ecologically with therapsid dicynodonts, and were hunted by therapsid gorgonopsians. Indeed, to judge from paleo-art, provisioning gorgonopsians was their only task.

General trends:

Thus, everything points to these creatures having been large, slow moving armored herbivores with extensive digestive systems. To judge from paleoart, their only purpose was to provision therapsid gorgonopsians.


Now we return to the diapsid stem:

The basal parareptilian Mesosaurus from
Mesosauridae: (Early Permian) Mesosaurus, Braziliosaurus, and Stereosternum. Inhabiting the incipient basin of the South Atlantic, their fossils are from southern South America and Africa. Mesosaur distribution was among the data of Alfred Wegener supporting continental motion. The first amniotes with clear adaptations to aquatic life. Known from many well-preserved specimens, yet phylogenetically enigmatic. Mesosaurs are known from good growth series, with adults typically approaching 35 cm in snout-vent length, however larger specimens with overall length of 2.5 m are known. (Piñeiro et al., 2025)


Mesosaur issues:

Orovenator mayorum from Ford and Benson, 2018. (Scale = 1 cm.)
Moving upward,

Orovenator mayor: (Early Permian). Known only form the anterior skull of a single specimen with diapsid fenestration - a second origin of the supratemporal fenestra (Jenkins et al., in press.). Unremarkable except that the overall skull shape - with a long snout and slender temporal bars separating fenestrae begin more closely to resemble what we see in creatures farther up the tree.


New for 2025, Jenkins et al., in press. recover a significant new diapsid clade - Parapleurota (Middle Permian to Rec.)Its diversity:

Synapomorphies primarily pertain to evolution of the impedance-matching ear.

Millerettidae: (Permian)

Milleretta rubidgei from Jenkins et al., in press.

Milleropsis pricei from Jenkins et al., in press.

Lanthanolania ivakhnenkoi (Middle Permian) from Modesto and Reisz, 2003

Small (20 - 40 cm.) probably ecological generalists with simple peg-like teeth. Their synapomorphies are highly technical. But note:

Neodiapsida: (Early Permian - Quaternary) First coined in the 1980s to encompass diapsids closer to Sauria than to Araeoscelidia, its definition has been contentious. The last word belongs to Ford and Benson, 2019, who apply it to the sister taxon of Parareptilia. Jenkins et al., in press. have sunk Parareptilia, however Neodiapsida continues to occur as the sister taxon of Millerettidae, the most phylogenetically crown ward es-parareptiles. Thus, Max ∇ (Sauria ~ Millerettidae). In Neodiapsida, the diapsid morphotype and fenestration pattern stabilizes around something like the traditional concept of a "diapsid."


Youngina capensis from Gow, 1975
"Younginiformes" (Late Permian - Early Triassic) Considered a clade during the 20th century (Gauthier et al., 1988), this "group" has emerged as a grade of basal neodiapsids in 21st century analyses, such as Hunt et al., 2023's description of CT scans of Youngina. This grade group encompasses fully terrestrial members (Youngina) and semiaquatic ones (Hovasaurus) Their skulls are relatively uniform, with longish low snouts and homodont dentition. Youngina retains plesiomorphies like parasphenoid teeth that make it one of the earliest-branching neodimapsids. It is interesting in showing evidence for communal nesting.

Some "younginiforms" form a clade - Tangasauridae whose members show evidence of semi-aquatic adaptations, best seen in Hovasaurus.

Megalancosaurus preonensis (Late Triassic) from Vertebrate Paleontology at Insubria University
Drepanosauromorpha: (Late Triassic) Odd arborealists - convergent on certain saurians, but lacking key saurian synapomorphies like evidence for an impedance-matching ear: The oversized ungual phalanges of some drepanosaurids (e.g. Drepanosaurus) has invited speculation about their function. Jenkins et al., 2020 determined that larger unguals closely resemble those of "hook-and-pull" diggers like the living tamandua and silky anteater - creatures that combine arboreality with the ability to dig into ant and termite nests. Indeed, Renesto and Saller, 2023 describe the hindlimb of two species of Megalancosaurus as biomechanically distinct, suggesting niche partitioning:

Coelurosauravus elivensis from Buffa et al., 2021
Wiegeltisauridae: (Late Permian - Early Triassic) The first gliders, employing a patagium supported by dermal elements of the trunk. Also the earliest obligate amniote arborealists.

Phylogeny: The more derived stem saurians display considerable convergence on other forms, leading to a diverse range of phylogeny hypotheses. Some highlights:

Claudiosaurus germaini (Late Permian) from Paleofile
Claudiosaurus: The lower temporal bar is definitely incomplete in Claudiosaurus (right). In life, its place would be occupied by an unossified ligament. Various diapsids would eventually reossify that ligament in various ways, but from this point forward, we deal with diapsids who are descended from creatures whose infratemporal fenestrae have been transformed to broad embayments in the lower margin of their cheeks.

Claudiosaurus was a limb-propelled swimmer with a relatively long neck. When first described it was called a "plesiosaur ancestor." That's probably wrong, but it demonstrates that even in the Permian, diapsids displayed a tendency opportunistically to evolve aquatic forms. Claudiosaurus was fresh-water aquatic, however, not marine.


(Late Permian - Rec.) Min ∇ (Lepidosauria, Archosauria)

Here, for once, in a pleasing cladogram is the arrangement of Gauthier, 1984, in which two crown-groups were recognized in Sauria:

Anchored on these, he defined total-groups that contained them: This setup was embraced so firmly that even though there were technical difficulties with his definition of Lepidosauromorpha, (ask me sometime) most systematists continue to use the term, and so shall we.


Stay tuned.

Additional reading: