Rudolf GlückaufLocation: Tepliz, Czechoslovakia Year: 1913 Photograph by Sattler and Lissy studio Comments: We assume the names Glückauf and Glickauf refer to the same person. See reverse below. Any info? Please contact John Merck or Betty Siegel. Thanks! |
Location: Tepliz, Czechoslovakia Year: 1913 Photograph by Sattler and Lissy studio Comments: Any info? Please contact John Merck or Betty Siegel. Thanks! |
Location: ? Year: 1933 Photograph by ?? Comments: The inscription says, "June 1933 Glückauf Rudolf in his 69th year." Any info? Please contact John Merck or Betty Siegel. Thanks! |
Location: ? Year: 1933 Photograph by ?? Comments: Any info? Please contact John Merck or Betty Siegel. Thanks! |