Erin Cunningham

I am currently a postdoc at the University of Maryland with advisor Dr. Vedran Lekic in the Seismology Laboratory. My research focuses on understanding the origin, composition, structure, and stability of the continental lithosphere ( which consists of the crust and uppermost rigid mantle).  You can read more about my current research on the research page of this website and more about UMD Seismology and research on the lab's home page.


Recent Publications


Cunningham, E. , & Lekić, V.  (2019) Constraining Crustal Structure in the Presence of Sediment: A Multiple Converted Wave Approach, Geophysical Journal International,, ggz298


Gao, C., Cunningham, E. , & Lekić, V. (2019) Spurious Low Velocity Zones in Joint Inversions of Surface Waves and Receiver Functions.  Geophysical Journal International,, ggz345






Erin Cunningham