Laboratory for Mineral Physics

Opportunities for Graduate Studies in Mineral Physics and Geophysics at the University of Maryland

Thinking about graduate school? The University of Maryland has recently established a research group in geophysics. Our geophysics research programs involve both experimental and computational methods to unravel Earth's complex structure and processes.

The Laboratory for Mineral Physics has opportunities for graduate students interested in the structure, dynamics, and evolution of Earth and planetary interiors. We use diamond anvil cell experiments to recreate the high pressures and high temperatures that exist in the Earth's deep interior, and probe the properties and behavior of materials under these extreme conditions. Current opportunities center mostly on the composition and thermal structure of Earth's core, and other projects are also possible.

In addition, the university is located in the heart of a rich scientific community. Within a short drive or Metro ride from the College Park, MD campus are many university, government, and other research institutions, including: the Smithsonian Institution, the Carnegie Institution of Washington - Geophysical Laboratory and Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism, NASA Goddard, the U. S. Geological Survey, the Applied Physics Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Johns Hopkins University, the Naval Research Laboratory, and others. The scientific exchange between these institutions offers great opportunity for graduate students to form important collaborations and contacts that will help your future career.

Convinced? Apply to our graduate program.

Need to hear more? I can be reached easily by email. Interested UMd students can, of course, contact me in person. Stop by the Geology building, room 3113.

Andrew Campbell
Laboratory for Mineral Physics
Department of Geology
University of Maryland