Green Scholarship in Environmental Science and Policy
Provides an annual scholarship to a student enrolled in the Environmental Science and Policy Program at the University who has expressed his/her intention to pursue a career in the field of environmental protection

Julianne Farnham (2022)
Previous Recipients:
- Alexis Yaculak (2021)
- Anna Lowien and Jason Chase (2018)
- Devin Simmons (2017)
- Paul Neuberger (2016)
- Elizabeth Lee, Emma McConnville and Grace Duke (2015)
- William Junkin (2014)
- Keegan McDonald (2013)
- Amanda Bender (2012)
- Matthew Abbott (2011)
- William Brodie Marrow (2010)
J.R. Dorfman Prize
Awarded for the best research project conducted by a current CMNS undergraduate

Brittany Jenner (2010)
Previous Recipients:
- David Weinstein (2007) Taphonomy of the Late Pleistocene Key Largo Limestone: A Comparison of Modern and Ancient Coral Reef Ecosystems
- Katherine Burgy (2006) The Measurement of Small-Scale Structures to Determine Their Influence on the Orientation of the Mather Gorge of the Potomac River, Maryland and Virginia, USA
- Laura Baker (2001) Crystal size distribution analysis of quartz grains: A means for interpreting igneous textures
CMNS Undergraduate Summer Research, Travel, and Educational Enrichment Award
This award is intended for use by undergraduate students within CMNS to help to defray costs related to conducting research, traveling to field courses, conferences, or other summer activities that enhance or expand the student's educational and professional development.

Adam Margolis (2020)
Previous Recipients:
- Cristy Ho (2019)
- Alyssa Mills (2018)
- Rhobeca Oliveros (2017)
- Justine Grabiec (2016)
- Sutton Chiorini, Grace Duke, Emma McConville (2015)
Mineralogical Society of America Undergraduate Prize (formerly American Mineralogist Undergraduate (AMU) Award)
The Mineralogical Society of America's American Mineralogist Undergraduate (AMU) Award program recognizes outstanding students who have shown an interest and ability in the discipline of mineralogy. Each student was cited by his or her department for outstanding achievement in mineralogy-related courses.
Ashely Fernandes, Cristy Ho (2019)
Previous Recipients:
- Madison Turner (2016)
- Joseph Browning, Justine Grabiec (2015)
- Shayna Quidas (2014)
- William Junkin and Michael Ream (2013)
- Sean Kayser and Tyler Newton (2012)
- Natalie Sievers (2011)
- Andrew Masterson (2007)
- Dusty Aeiker (2006)
- Allie Gale and Paula Zelanko (2005)
- Brendan Puls (2002)
- Laura Baker (2001)
- Cannala Garzione (1993)
Department of Geology Field Camp Scholarship (Fernow Field Camp Fund)
Awarded to Geology majors on the basis of academic achievement and need.

(clockwise, l-r) Madeline Raith, Sophia Zipparo, Brendan Shimizu, Ayomide Ajayi, Julianne Farnham (2022)
Previous Recipients:
- Alexander Bollinger, Makayla Etheredge, Tytrice Faison, Samuel Hommel, Matthew Kraham, Joseph Malin, Justus McMillan, Nicole Smith, Alexis Yaculak (2021)
- Kenneth Britton, Nicholas Culbreth, Orion Jenkins-Houk, Shannan Jones, Bill Li, Adam Margolis (2020)
- Cristy Ho, Jenna Reimer, Jacob Widmer, Ashely Fernandes (2019)
- Tyler Hicks, Alyssa Mills, Liz Peters, Jairus Slagle (2018)
- Rhobeca Oliveros, Luke Councell, Caroline Liegey (2017)
- Ben Belzer, Justine Grabiec, Albert Chen (2016)
- Deborah Fishbeck, John Milne, Steven Knight (2015)
- Kalev Hantsoo, Sean Kayser, Grant Jiang (2013)
- John Nance, Albert Gorman, Jonathan Banker, Christopher Weller, Zahra Mansaray, Evan McMullen (2012)
- Gregory Polley (2011)
- Rebecca Ohly, Brian Connolly, Brittany Jenner, Sarah Regen, Tyler Baril (2010)
- Achyut Dangol, Jill Gribbin, T. J. Deane (2009)
- Cory Hanson and Garrett Mitchell (2008)
- Helen Nguyen, Lynette Pitcher, Rob Thomas (2007)
- Dusty Aeiker (2006)
- Sandra Grabowski and Andy Masterson (2005)
- Joshua Long (2004)
Marc Lipella Memorial Scholarship
Marc Lipella graduated with a degree in Geology in 2004 (he completed his senior thesis with Drs. Rudnick, McDonough, and Ash). He subsequently worked as a research assistant at the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution while he also pursued his love of music as lead guitarist in the group Zen Black. Tragically, Marc passed away in September of 2011 and his parents have set up a foundation in his honor to provide scholarships to worthy students.
Ayomide Ajayi, Alexander Lastner, Brenden Shimizu, Tytrice Faison (2021/2022)
Previous Recipients:
- Julianne Farnham, Joseph Malin, Adam Margolis, Andrew Doerrler, Madeline Raith, Sophia Zipparo (2020/2021)
- Nicholas Culbreth, Kenneth Britton, Shannan Jones (2019/2020)
- Dashaun Horshaw, Jenna Reimer, Adaire Nehring, Ashely Fernandes (Fall 2018)
- Rhobeca Oliveros, Jacob Widmer, Elizabeth Peters, Hope Tornabene (Fall 2016)
- Justine Grabiec, Maddy Turner, Luke Councell (Spring 2016)
- Shayna Quidas, John Whelan, and Joseph Browning (Fall 2015)
- Elizabeth Lee, Grace Duke, and John Milne (Spring 2015)
- Emma McConville, Ben Belzer, and Albert Chen (Fall 2014)
- Kalev Hantsoo and Ben Belzer (Spring 2014)
- Michael Ream and Will Junkin (Fall 2013)
- Grant Jiang and Irene Kadel-Harder (Spring 2013)
- Tom Doody and Sean Kayser (Fall 2012)
Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) Crawford Field Camp Scholarship
Awarded by the Association of Women Geologists to promising women students who will be attending field camp.

Dusty Aeiker (2006)
Association of Women Geoscientists (AWG) Minority Scholarship
Awarded to an African-American, Hispanic or Native American woman pursuing an undergraduate degree in the geosciences, and who is a contributor to the larger world community through her academic and personal strengths

Tess Van Orden (2008)
Gem, Lapidary and Mineral Society of Washington, D.C. Scholarship
This award is made on the basis of academic achievement and contribution to the department and community with funds provided by the GLMS of Washington D.C.

Garrett Mitchell (2008)
Previous Recipients:
- Eugenia Leone (2007)
- Dusty Aeiker (2006)
- Andrew Masterson (2005)
Department of Geology Senior Thesis Grants
Awarded based on academic achievement to offset costs related to completion of the senior thesis.

Irene Kadel-Harder (2013)
Previous Recipients:
- Steven Fisher (2010)
- Josh Long (2003)