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Nicholas C. Schmerr

Nicholas C. Schmerr

Associate Professor

Ph.D. Arizona State University, 2008


GEO 3115
Geology Building
8000 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742

Phone: (301) 405-4385

Fax: (301) 314-9661

nschmerr [at] umd [dot] edu


Research Interests

Solid earth geophysics, planetary seismology, field and array seismology, seismic instrumentation, planetary geology, cryospheric processes, numerical modeling of elastic wave propagation, geodynamics, mineral and rock physics (including numerical modeling of melt and ices), the structure, evolution, and dynamics of the crusts, mantles, and cores of terrestrial objects.

My primary research focus lies in deciphering the formation, dynamics, and evolution of planetary surfaces and interiors using the remote sensing tools of seismology. I am extremely interested in how the physical and chemical properties of rocks, ices, and minerals are related to the evolution and dynamics of planetary interiors. My research projects span the Solar System, with current studies investigating seismic problems on Earth, the Moon, Venus, Mars, asteroids, Jupiter's satellites Europa and Io, and Saturn's satellites Enceladus and Titan.