Hannes Bernhardt he/him
Assistant Research Scientist
Ph.D. University of Münster, 2017
PHY 4332
John S. Toll Physics Building
4150 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20742
hbernhar [at] umd [dot] edu
Research Interests
My main research interests include remote sensing investigations of the terrestrial planetary bodies, i.e., Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars, in conjunction with analog studies on Earth. Datasets come from a broad variety of space missions, some of which I participated in such as Mars Express and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and include passive observations in visible and infrared light as well as active sensing using laser altimeters and radar.
Compiling these data into map projects using a Geospatial Information System (GIS) then enables holistic investigations at local, regional, or global scales. This can lead to the production of geologic maps, which are a powerful tool to expand, synthesize, and communicate geological knowledge about an area and to identify new localities for science and guide exploration, e.g., for upcoming landed assets on the Moon and Mars.