Graduate student
Angela is originally from New Jersey. She attended Boston University where she majored in Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, and minored in Mechanical Engineering. After working for Columbia University Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, she joined Nick Schmerr’s group in 2015. As a PhD student she researches how seismometers can be used for planetary exploration. As a member of the InSight mission’s science team, she studies how core-reflected seismic waves can constrain the size and state of the Martian core. In addition to Mars, she also studies icy/ocean worlds. She has completed two field campaigns in Alaska and Greenland, which serve as analog locations for ocean worlds. She works to characterize seismic events to determine how a single-station or small-aperture array of seismometers can detect, locate, and identify events. Her expected graduation date is Spring 2020. For details on her research and current CV, see her webpage: