Quancheng is from Fujian Province in China. He earned his bachelor degree in Geology at Nanjing University. He worked on seismic tomography and ambient noise correlations for his senior thesis. In 2015, he finished his undergraduate studies and joined Dr. Nicholas Schmerr’s group as a PhD student. As a graduate student, his research focuses on the study of upper mantle structure using teleseismic waves. He developed a new body wave method to constrain seismic anisotropy in the mantle transition zone and mapped the topography of the 410 and 660-km discontinuities. His research shed new light on the thermal, compositional and dynamic structures of Earth’s mid-mantle. In 2019, he joined the science team of Mars InSight Mission as a student collaborator. He aims to detect the mantle transition zone of Mars from the marsquakes recorded by InSight Mission. He is expected to graduate in 2020. For more details on his research and CV, please visit his personal website https://qchuang.weebly.com/