Great Falls of the PotomacLocation: Great Falls of the Potomac National Park near Potomac, MD Year: 2006 Merckslides catalogue number: 06-23108 Comments: |
Folded foliation planes and quartz veins in schistLocation: Great Falls of the Potomac National Park - Olmstead Island overlook, MD Year: 2003 Merckslides catalogue number: Uncataloged (?) Comments: |
Great Falls of the PotomacLocation: Great Falls of the Potomac National Park - Olmstead Island overlook, MD Year: 2014 Merckdigitals catalogue number: 06-87481 Comments: |
Great Falls of the PotomacLocation: Great Falls of the Potomac National Park - Olmstead Island overlook, MD Year: 2014 Merckdigitals catalogue number: 06-87498 Comments: |