Department of Geology
Adjunct Associate Professor |
Published papers (abstracts and posters listed below): Fischer R. A. and Campbell A. J. (2010) High pressure melting of wüstite. Am. Mineral., in press. Campbell A. J., Danielson L., Righter K., Seagle C. T., Wang Y., and Prakapenka V. B. (2009) High pressure effects on the iron-iron oxide and nickel-nickel oxide oxygen fugacity buffers. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 286, 556-564.
Lauretta D. S., Goreva J. S., Hill D. H., Killgore M., LaBlue A. R., Campbell A. J., Greenwood R. C., Verchovsky A. B., and Franchi I. A. (2009) The Fountain Hills unique CB chondrite: Insights into thermal processes on the CB parent body. Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 44, 823-838.
Righter K., Humayun M., Campbell A. J., Danielson L., Hill D., and Drake M. J. (2008) Experimental studies of metal-silicate partitioning of Sb: Implications for the terrestrial and lunar mantles. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 73, 1487-1504.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., McDonough W. F., Draper D. S., Agee C. B., Humayun M., Watson H. C., Cottrell E., and Saslow S. A. (2008) Trace Element Partitioning in the Fe-C system at 5 GPa: Implications for Earth's Core. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 4146-4158.
Ebel D. S., Weisberg M. K., Hertz J., and Campbell A. J. (2008) Shape, metal abundance, chemistry and origin of chondrules in the Renazzo (CR) chondrite. Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 43, 1725-1740.
Campbell A. J. (2008) Measurement of temperature distributions across laser-heated samples by multispectral imaging radiometry. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 015108.
Seagle C. T., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Prakapenka V. and Wanless S. T. (2008) Melting and thermal expansion in the Fe - FeO system at high pressure. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 265, 655-665.
Campbell A. J., Seagle C. T., Heinz D. L., Shen G. and Prakapenka V. B. (2007) Partial melting in the iron-sulfur system at high pressure: A synchrotron X-ray diffraction study. Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 162, 119-128.
Mao W. L., Campbell A. J., Prakapenka V. B., Hemley R. J., and Mao H.-K. (2007) Effect of iron on the properties of post-perovskite silicate. In Post-Perovskite: The Last Mantle Phase Transition, eds. K. Hirose, J. Brodholt, T. Lay, D. Yuen. American Geophysical Union Monograph Series, Volume 174. pp. 37-46. Seagle C. T., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., Shen G. and Prakapenka V. (2006) Thermal equation of state of Fe3S and implications for sulfur in Earth's core. J. Geophys. Res. 111, B06209, doi:10.1029/2005JB004091.
Mao W. L., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L. and Shen G. (2006) Phase relations of Fe-Ni alloys at high pressure and temperature. Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 155, 146-150.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., Jones J. H., Humayun M. and Lauer H. V. (2006) The influence of carbon on partitioning behavior during planetary evolution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 1322-1335.
Rushmer T., Petford N., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2005) Fe-liquid segregation in deforming planetesimals: Coupling core forming compositions with transport phenomena. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 239, 185-202.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Weisberg M. K. (2005) Compositions of unzoned and zoned metal in the CBb chondrites HH 237 and QUE 94627. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 40, 1131-1148.
Campbell A. J., Zanda B., Perron C., Meibom A. and Petaev M. I. (2005) Origin and thermal history of Fe-Ni metal in primitive chondrites. In Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, eds. A. N. Krot, E. R. D. Scott, B. Reipurth. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 341. pp. 407-431.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2005) Compositions of group IVB iron meteorites and their parent melt. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69, 4733-4744.
Mao W. L., Meng Y., Shen G., Prakapenka V. B., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., Shu J., Caracas R., Cohen R. E., Fei Y., Hemley R. J. and Mao H.-K. (2005) Iron-rich silicates in the Earth's D" layer. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 9751-9753.
Righter K., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2005) Diffusion of trace elements in FeNi metal: Application to zoned metal grains in chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69, 3145-3158.
Mao W. L., Shen G., Prakapenka V. B., Meng Y., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., Shu J., Hemley R. J. and Mao H.-K. (2004) Ferromagnesian post-perovskite silicates in the D" layer of the Earth. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101, 15867-15869.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2004) Formation of metal in the CH chondrites ALH 85085 and PCA 91467. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 3409-3422.
Puchtel I. S., Humayun M., Campbell A. J., Sproule R. A. and Lesher C. M. (2004) Platinum group element geochemistry of komatiites from the Alexo and Pyke Hill area, Ontario, Canada. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 1361-1383.
Righter K., Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Hervig R. L. (2004) Partitioning of Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Ir, and Au between Cr-bearing spinel, olivine, pyroxene and silicate melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 867-880.
Campbell A. J., Simon S. B., Humayun M. and Grossman L. (2003) Chemical evolution of metal in refractory inclusions in CV3 chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 3119-3134.
Jurewicz A.J.G., Burnett D.S., Wiens R.C., Friedmann T.A., Hays C.C., Hohlfelder R.J., Nishiizumi K., Stone J.A., Woolum D.S., Becker R., Butterworth A.L., Campbell A.J., Ebihara M., Franchi I.A., Heber V., Hohenberg C.M., Humayun M., McKeegan K.D., McNamara K., Meshik A., Pepin R.O., Schlutter D., Wieler R. (2003) Overview of the Genesis solar-wind collector materials. Spa. Sci. Rev. 105, 535-560.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2003) Formation of metal in GRO 95551 and comparison to ordinary chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 2481-2495.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., Jones J. H., Humayun M. and Agee C. B. (2003) An experimental test of Henry's Law in solid metal-liquid metal systems with implications for iron meteorites. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 38, 181-196.
Lin J. F., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L. and Shen G. (2003) Static compression of iron-silicon alloys: Implications for silicon in the Earth's core. J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2045.
Lin J.-F., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Devine J. M., Mao W. and Shen G. (2002) Iron-nickel alloy in the Earth's core. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 10.1029/2002GL015089.
Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2002) The duration of ordinary chondrite metamorphism inferred from tungsten microdistribution in metal. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 198, 225-243.
Lin J.-F., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Devine J. M. and Shen G. (2002) Iron-silicon alloy in the Earth's core? Science 295, 313-315.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Weisberg M. K. (2002) Siderophile element constraints on the formation of metal in the metal-rich chondrites Bencubbin, Weatherford, and Gujba. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 647-660.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M., Meibom A., Krot A. N. and Keil K. (2001) Origin of metal grains in the QUE94411 chondrite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 163-180.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (1999) Trace element microanalysis in iron meteorites by laser ablation ICPMS. Anal. Chem. 71, 939-946.
Yoo C. S., Campbell A. J., Mao H. K., and Hemley R. J. (1997) Detecting phases of iron response. Science 275, 96.
Yoo C. S., Soderlind P., Moriarty J. A., Akella J., and Campbell A. J. (1996) Dhcp as a new ε′ phase of iron at high pressures and temperatures. Phys. Lett. A 214, 65-70.
Peiris S. M., Sweeney J. S., Campbell A. J., and Heinz D. L. (1996) Pressure-induced amorphization of covellite, CuS. J. Chem. Phys. 104, 11-16.
Yoo C. S., Akella J., Campbell A. J., Mao H. K., and Hemley R. J. (1995) Phase diagram of iron by in situ x-ray diffraction: Implications for the Earth's core. Science 270, 1473-1475.
Campbell A. J. and Heinz D. L. (1994) High-pressure acoustic wave velocities and equations of state of the alkali chlorides. J. Geophys. Res. 99, 11765-11774.
Peiris S., Campbell A. J., and Heinz D. L. (1994) Equation of state of MgS to 50 GPa. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 55, 413-419.
Campbell A. J. and Heinz D. L. (1993) An amorphous phase on the anorthite Hugoniot. Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, 237-240. Campbell A. J. and Heinz D. L. (1993) Equation of state and high pressure phase transition of NiS in the NiAs structure. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 54, 5-7.
Campbell A. J. and Heinz D. L. (1992) A high pressure test of Birch's law. Science 257, 66-68.
Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., and Davis A. M. (1992) Material transport in laser-heated diamond anvil cell melting experiments. Geophys. Res. Lett. 19, 1061-1064. Zhou Y., Campbell A. J., and Heinz D. L. (1991) Equations of state and optical properties of the high pressure phase of zinc sulfide. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 52, 821-825.
Campbell A. J. and Heinz D. L. (1991) Compression of KCl in the B2 structure to 56 GPa. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 52, 495-499.
Abstracts and posters: Campbell A. J., Fischer R. A., and Miller N. A. (2010) Melting of iron-rich alloys at high pressures and implications for planetary cores. Intl. Mineralogical Assn. Meeting 2010 Fischer R. A. and Campbell A. J. (2010) Equation of State and B1/B8 Phase Transition in FeO. Intl. Mineralogical Assn. Meeting 2010 Shofner G. A., Danielson L., Righter K., and Campbell A. J. (2010) High pressure/temperature metal silicate partitioning of tungsten. 41st Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. Campbell A. J. (2009) Sulfur contents of planetary and protoplanetary cores. Fall AGU Meeting. Campbell A. J., Miller N. A., Fischer R. A., and Van Orden E. T. (2009) Melting experiments at high pressures. 2009 COMPRES Annual Meeting.
Shofner G., Campbell A. J., Danielson L., and Righter K. (2009) Synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies of metal-oxide Pairs. 2009 COMPRES Annual Meeting.
Whitaker S. ARA, Reaman D. M., Kabbes J. E., Piggott J. S., Hovis G. L., Campbell A. J., Cottrell E., Scott H. P., and Panero W. R. (2009) Compatibility of K and Rb with Fe at high pressure and implications for the deep Earth. 2009 COMPRES Annual Meeting.
Campbell A. J., Miller N. A., Fischer R., Seagle C. T., and Prakapenka V. B. (2008) Phase diagrams of iron rich alloys and their influence on the chemical structure of planetary cores. Fall AGU Meeting.
Fischer R. and Campbell A. J. (2008) Phase diagram of wüstite at high pressures and temperatures. Fall AGU Meeting.
Seagle C. T., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Miller N. A., and Prakapenka V. B. (2008) Formation of a cubic iron-sulfur alloy at megabar pressures and its equation of state. Fall AGU Meeting.
Whitaker S., Reaman D. M., Kabbes J. E., Hovis G. L., Campbell A. J., Cottrell E., and Panero W. R. (2008) Could K and Rb be in Earth's core? Fall AGU Meeting.
Kabbes J. E., Reaman D. M., Whitaker S., Campbell A. J., and Panero W. R. (2008) Constraints on the I-W and C-CO mineral redox buffers at lower mantle conditions. Fall AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J. (2008) Oxygen fugacity profile in the Earth's lower mantle. 18th Ann. Goldschmidt Conf. Campbell A. J., Danielson L., Shofner G. A., Righter K., Miller N. A., Seagle C. T., Wang Y., and Prakapenka V. B. (2008) Oxygen fugacity buffers at high pressures and temperatures. 2008 Joint Assembly.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., McDonough W. F., Draper D. S., Agee C. B., Humayun M., Watson H. C., Cottrell E., and Saslow S. A. (2008) The Fe-C system at pressure and implications for Earth's core. LPSC XXXVIII, #1284.
Campbell A. J., Danielson L., Righter K., Seagle C. T., Wang Y., and Prakapenka V. B. (2007) Oxygen fugacity buffers at conditions of the deep Earth. Fall AGU Meeting.
Miller N. A. and Campbell A. J. (2007) Melting in the Fe-Si system at high pressures and temperatures. Fall AGU Meeting.
Seagle C. T., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Miller N. A., and Prakapenka V. B. (2007) Liquidus Temperatures in the Iron - Sulfur System and Melting of Fe3S at High Pressure. Fall AGU Meeting.
Kuznetsov A. Y., Prakapenka V. B., Campbell A. J., Duffy T. S., Shen G., Heinz D. L., Rivers M. L., and Sutton S. R. (2007) CO2 laser heating system at GSECARS. Fall AGU Meeting.
Heinz D. L., Seagle C. T., Campbell A. J., Miller N. A., Prakapenka V. B., and Shen G. (2007) Thermal equations of state in the Fe-FeS, Fe-FeO, and ammonia-water systems. Fall AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J., Danielson L., Righter K., Seagle C. T., Wang Y., and Prakapenka V. B. (2007) Pressure-volume-temperature studies of metal-oxide pairs. 2007 COMPRES Annual Meeting.
Kuznetsov A. Y., Prakapenka V. B., Campbell A. J., Duffy T. S., Shen G., Heinz D. L., Rivers M. L., and Sutton S. R. (2007) CO2 laser heating system at GSECARS. APS Users Meeting.
Campbell A. J., Seagle C. T., and Heinz D. L. (2007) Chemical dynamics in the core: Contributions from high pressure phase equilibria in Fe-X systems. 2007 Joint Assembly.
Campbell A. J., Thomas R. B., and Fei Y. (2006) Effect of the fcc to hcp phase transition on trace element partitioning between metal and sulfide melt. Fall AGU Meeting.
Seagle C. T., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., and Prakapenka V. B. (2006) Melting in the Fe-FeO system at high pressure. Fall AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2006) Analysis of trace siderophile elements at high spatial resolution using laser ablation ICP-MS. 2006 Joint Assembly.
Campbell A. J., Danielson L., Righter K., Wang Y., and Davidson G. (2006) Oxygen fugacity at high pressures: Equations of state of metal-oxide pairs. LPSC XXXVII, #1977.
Malavergne V., Jones J. H., Campbell A. J., and Perronnet M. (2006) Pt, Au, Pd and Ru partitioning between olivine and silicate liquid. LPSC XXXVII, #1974.
Campbell A. J., Seagle C. T., Heinz D. L., Shen G., and Prakapenka V. B. (2005) Partial melting in the Fe-FeS system at high pressure. Fall AGU Meeting.
Seagle C. T., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., Shen G., and Prakapenka V. B. (2005) Thermal Equation of State of Fe3S and Sulfur in Earth's Core. Fall AGU Meeting.
Heinz D. L., Mao W., Campbell A. J., and Shen G. (2005) Phase relations of Fe-Ni alloys at high pressure and temperature. Fall AGU Meeting.
Mao W. L., Mao H., Hu M., Chow P., Meng Y., Shen G., Prakapenka V. B., Shu J., Campbell A. J., Fei Y., Heinz D. L., Hemley R. J. (2005) Physics and chemistry of ferromagnesian silicate post perovskite. Fall AGU Meeting.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., Humayun M., Jones J. H. and Lauer H. V. (2005) Distinguishing between sulfur and carbon bearing metallic liquids during meteorite histories. 68th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting, #5021.
Campbell A. J., Moses M. and Fei Y. (2004) Trace element partitioning between metal and melt at high pressure. Fall AGU Meeting.
Mao W. L., Shen G., Prakapenka V. B., Meng Y., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., Shu J., Hemley R. J. and Mao H.-K. (2004) Ferromagnesian post-perovskite silicates in the D" conditions. Fall AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J., Petaev M. I., Meibom A., Perron C. and Zanda B. (2004) Origin and thermal history of FeNi-metal in primitive chondrites. Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk, Kauai, Hawaii.
Righter K., Campbell A. J., Humayun M., and Drake M. J. (2004) Metal-silicate partitioning of volatile, siderophile elements: New results for Sb and As. 67th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting.
Rushmer T., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2004) An experimental study of partially molten ordinary chondrite under dynamic conditions: Siderophile abundances in quench Fe-S-Ni liquids. Spring AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2004) Compositions of the group IVB iron meteorites. LPSC XXXV, #2002.
Rushmer T., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2004) Siderophile element abundances in Fe-S-Ni-O melts segregated from partially molten ordinary chondrite under dynamic conditions. LPSC XXXV, #1850.
Cook D. L., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2004) The distribution of molybdenum in the Indarch EH4 chondrite. LPSC XXXV, #1163.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2004) Solid metal-liquid metal partitioning of Pt, Re, and Os: The effect of carbon. LPSC XXXV, #1008.
Campbell A. J., Uchida T., Wang Y. and Devine J. M. (2003) Expanded stability of the hcp structure in Fe-rich alloys. Fall AGU Meeting.
Mao W. L., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Sturhahn W., Ding Y., Mao H., and Hemley R. J. (2003) High Pressure Elasticity of Iron Alloys From Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering and X-ray Diffraction. Fall AGU Meeting.
Simon S. B., Grossman L., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2003) Sector-zoning in fassaite in Type B2 refractory inclusions. Evolution of Solar System Materials: A New Perspective from Antarctic Meteorites, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan. Korotev R. L., Jolliff B. L., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2003) Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of meteoritic metal grains in lunar impact-melt breccias. LPSC XXXIV, #1487.
Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2003) Microanalysis of niobium in iron meteorites. LPSC XXXIV, #1480.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2003) Zoned and unzoned metal grains in the CH chondrites ALH 85085 and PCA 91467. LPSC XXXIV, #1410.
Righter K., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2003) Experimental determination of spinel/melt, olivine/melt, and pyroxene/melt partition coefficients for Re, Ru, Pd, Au, and Pt. LPSC XXXIV, #1383.
Righter K., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2003) Diffusion of siderophile elements in Fe metal: Application to zoned metal grains in chondrites. LPSC XXXIV, #1373.
Rushmer T., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2003) Siderophile elements in metal segregated from partially molten ordinary chondrite: Implications for early differentiation processes. LPSC XXXIV, #1174.
Zanda B., Bourot-Denise M., Hewins R. H., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2002) Texture des chondres, elements volatils et accretion. Colloque du Programme National de Planetologie.
Righter K., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2002) Experimental determination of spinel/melt, olivine/melt, and pyroxene/melt partition coefficients for Re, Ru, Pd, Au, and Pt. Workshop on highly siderophile elements in terrestrial and meteoritic samples: Implications for planetary differentiation and igenous processes, Nancy, France.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Zanda B. (2002) Partial condensation of volatile elements in Renazzo chondrules. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, A117 (abstr.). Puchtel I., Humayun M., Campbell A. J., Sproule R. and Lesher C. M. (2002) PGEs in Abitibi komatiites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, A616 (abstr.). Righter K., Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2002) Diffusion in metal: Application to zoned metal grains in chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, A639 (abstr.). Rushmer T., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2002) Siderophile elements in dynamically segregated metallic liquids. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, A656 (abstr.). Zanda B., Humayun M., Hewins R. H., Bourot-Denise M. and Campbell A. J. (2002) The relationship between volatile element patterns and chondrule textures in CRs and OCs. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, A869 (abstr.). Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2002) Condensation of metal in a CH chondrite. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 37, A29.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2002) Siderophile element distributions in the metal-rich chondrite GRO 95551. LPSC XXXIII, #1842.
Humayun M., Campbell A. J., Zanda B., and Bourot-Denise M.(2002) Formation of Renazzo chondrule metal inferred from siderophile elements. LPSC XXXIII, #1965.
Zanda B., Bourot-Denise M., Hewins R., Cohen B. A., Delaney J. S., Humayun M., and Campbell A. J. (2002) Accretion textures, iron evaporation and re-condensation in Renazzo chondrules. LPSC XXXIII, #1852.
Deng H., Campbell A. and Humayun M. (2002) Microanalysis of rhenium and platinum group elements in sulfides by laser ablation ICP-MS. Winter Conf. Plasma Spectrochem., Scottsdale, AZ, #WP17. Humayun M., Campbell A. J., Burnett D. S. and Jurewicz A. (2001) Improving the s/n of HR-ICP-MS: Determining the elemental composition of the solar wind from NASA's Genesis spacecraft mission. Fed. Anal. Chem. Spectr. Soc., Detroit, MI, #340. Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Agee C. B. (2001) Applying experimental partitioning results to iron meteorites: A test of Henry's law. 64th Ann. Met. Soc. Meeting, #5152.
Lin J.-F., Heinz D. L., Campbell A. J., Devine J. M. and Shen G. (2001) The phase diagram of Fe8wt\%Si alloy under high-pressures and high-temperatures. Spring AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Weisberg M. K. (2001) Siderophile element concentrations in bencubbinite metals. LPSC XXXII, #1842.
Chabot N. L., Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Agee C. B. (2001) A Henry's law test for experimental partitioning studies of iron meteorites. LPSC XXXII, #1738.
Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2001) The duration of ordinary chondrite metamorphism inferred from tungsten microdistribution in OC metal. LPSC XXXII, #2102.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (2000) Trace siderophile element distributions in Bencubbin metal. 63rd Ann. Met. Soc. Meeting, #5294.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M. and Weisberg M. K. (2000) Siderophile element distributions in zoned metal grains in Hammadah al Hamra 237. 63rd Ann. Met. Soc. Meeting, #5291.
Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2000) Tungsten microdistribution in ordinary chondrite metal. 63rd Ann. Met. Soc. Meeting, #5317.
Lin J.-F., Campbell A. J., Heinz D. L., Devine J. M. and Shen G. (2000) Static compression of an iron-silicon alloy: Implications for silicon in the core. Spring AGU Meeting.
Campbell A. J., Humayun M., Meibom A. and Krot A. N. (2000) Platinum group element distributions in bencubbinite metal grains. LPSC XXXI, #1490.
Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2000) Re, Os, and Ir fractionation in ordinary chondrite metal. LPSC XXXI, #2032.
Weisberg M. K., Prinz M., Humayun M. and Campbell A. J. (2000) Origin of metal in the CB (bencubbinite) chondrites. LPSC XXXI, #1466.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (1999) Platinum group element microanalysis of ordinary chondrite metal grains by laser ablation ICP-MS. 9th Ann. Goldschmidt Conf., #7332.
Meibom A. et al. (1999) Metal condensates in CH and Bencubbin-like chondrites: Evidence for localized nebula heating events and variations in gas composition. 62nd Ann. Met. Soc. Meeting, #5231.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (1999) Microanalysis of platinum group elements in iron meteorites using laser ablation ICP-MS. LPSC XXX, #1974.
Campbell A. J., Simon S. B., Humayun M. and Grossman L. (1999) Microanalysis of siderophile elements in Fremdlinge using laser ablation ICP-MS. LPSC XXX, #1609.
Campbell A. J. and Humayun M. (1998) Trace element microanalysis of metals using laser ablation ICPMS. Fall AGU Meeting.
Ebel D. S. and Campbell A. J. (1998) Rhodium and palladium partitioning between copper-nickel-pyrrhotite and sulfide liquid. GSA Meeting.
Fei Y. and Campbell A. J. (1995) The pressure effect on the eutectic temperature and composition in the system Fe-FeS. Fall AGU Meeting. Yoo C. S., Akella J., Soderlind P., Moriarty J. A., Campbell A., Mao D. and Hemley R. (1995) The phase diagram of iron by in situ X ray diffraction studies at the Earth's core conditions. Fall AGU Meeting. Conrad P. G., Campbell A. J., Hemley R. J. and Mao H. (1995) Maximum pressure stability of majorite-type garnet. Spring AGU Meeting. Campbell A. J., Shen G., Hu J., Fei Y., Mao H. K., Hemley R. J., Yoo C. S., Akella J. (1995) High-pressure, high-temperature X-ray diffraction studies on iron-rich phases. Spring AGU Meeting. Campbell A. J. and Fei Y. (1994) Melting in the iron-sulfur system at high pressures. Spring AGU Meeting. Anderson W. W., Campbell A. J., and Ahrens T. J. (1987) Melting of iron sulfide and iron oxide at high pressure. LPSC XVIII, 23-24. |
Andrew Campbell |